Since December of 1997, the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft biosphere reserve has been protected by its own ordinance, which also encompasses the nature reserve zone within the biosphere reserve.
In addition to establishing the protection, the ordinance also stipulates the protection status and the protection objective for the protected area. The biosphere reserve’s overarching protection objective is defined as the preservation, care and development of an extensive cultural landscape, rich in tradition and natural beauty.
The ordinance also designates the regulations and prohibitions that apply within the biosphere reserve. For instance, any activities which significantly alter the character of the biosphere reserve or are in conflict with its protection objective are prohibited there. Entering or using Core Zone I in any way, shape or form is strictly prohibited.
The ordinance serves as a regulatory framework for administration, while also providing a source of detailed information for the public. Feel free to contact the Administration at any time for questions concerning the ordinance.