For sustainable development in the biosphere reserve, we must appreciate and recognise the need to change the way we interact with the environment. A process of this kind must be supported through education and experience. For this reason, a joint educational project was launched in 1994 between the biosphere reserve administration and the Association for the Development of the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft Environment.
Barefoot Caterpillar and the Friedersdorf Camp (Photos: Förderverein für die Natur der Oberlausitzer Heide– und Teichlandschaft e.V.)
The objective of environmental education consists in getting as many people as possible involved in the idea of biosphere reserves and their implementation in the immediate living space of people, both large and small, who live in and from this landscape. By now, many of the offers and initiatives have become permanent fixtures in the lives of biosphere reserve inhabitants.
Weekly recreational groups for children and young people on various themes have developed into permanent clubs in many towns (for programme descriptions, click on the 'Downloads' box in the right sidebar). Various summer camps have been held annually for years now, and the Development Association offers project days and excursions for different age groups in many schools in the watershed region. Small festivals are organized to present the groups' work to friends and parents.
Baruth and Gebelzig Recreational Groups (Photo: Förderverein für die Natur der Oberlausitzer Heide– und Teichlandschaft e.V.)
In order to facilitate organisation for interested parties and to save children and youth groups from having to make long commutes, the project users themselves decide on the location of the event within the biosphere reserve. In terms of permanent facilities, biosphere reserve visitors have access to the two nature exploration paths, various bicycle paths and the nature reserve station in the Lohsa district of the town of Friedersdorf, with its garden.
There are just as many programmes for adults as well. Among the favourites are the “Seminars for Everyone”, where you can, for instance, practise pruning a fruit tree yourself or create art with an instructor. Twice a year scientists hold colloquia where they present the findings of their research in the biosphere reserve to the public. An annual competition is held, for instance, for the most beautiful courtyard tree or houses renovated to suit the landscape. The undisputed biggest events are the nature markets, which attract thousands of visitors every spring and autumn. All currently scheduled events are given in the events calendar.
Fruit Tree Pruning Seminar in Milkel (Photo: Förderverein für die Natur der Oberlausitzer Heide– und Teichlandschaft e.V.)
Responsibility for Environmental Education
On behalf of the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft UNESCO biosphere reserve, the employees of the educational project within theAssociation for the Development of the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft Environment organise more than 300 events with over 4000 visitors a year. For event coordination, please contact:
Naturschutzstation "Östliche Oberlausitz" e.V.
Dorfstraße 36
02906 Mücka OT Förstgen
Tel.: +49 35893 508571
Fax: +49 35893 508572
E-Mail: info@naturschutzstation-oestliche-oberlausitz.de
All offers you find at: www.naturschutzstation-oestliche-oberlausitz.de