Please view the project list for a summary of the completed and ongoing projects. A small selection of the projects is summarised below:
Field Weed Project (since 1993)
The biosphere reserve has been running a project since 1993 to conserve seriously threatened field weed communities.
Kornrade im Weizenfeld (Foto: Bodo Hering)
Hoopoe Species Protection Project (since 2005)
Reclaimed mining land naturally offers scarce breeding options for the bird species known as the Hoopoe. Their habitat is increasingly deteriorating due to succession. The aim of this project is to re-establish the Hoopoe in the reclaimed mining lands by building nesting aids.
Wiedehopf in Bruthöhle (Foto: Herbert Schnabel)
Protecting Amphibian Movements across Streets
This project aims to conserve amphibian stocks. Depending on the speed at which an amphibian can move (newts are particularly slow), many are killed crossing the street. At a traffic volume of 1 car/minute, only 10% of amphibians will reach the other side of the road alive.
Wechselkröte (Foto: Biosphärenreservat)
Organic carp (since 2006)
The aim of this project is to promote ecologically friendly produced food. The organic carp project in the Upper Lusatia region is forging a new path in order to develop the fishery business into a lasting and sustainable sector of the economy.
Aus der Kampagne „Biokarpfen“ (Foto: Förderverein für die Natur der Oberlausitzer Heide– und Teichlandschaft e.V.).
Preservation of Heritage Grains (since 1997)
This project promotes field weed species that are at risk and acts to preserve and use old grains that are typical of the region. Grains such as North German mushroom rye (Norddeutscher Champgnerroggen) and hunter’s Pomeranian squarehead wheat (Jägers Pommerscher Dickkopfweizen) are cultivated in various locations.
Kinder entfernen Fremdgetreide aus einem Weizenfeld (Foto: Bodo Hering)
Fish Ascension Aids (Fish Ladders)
All migratory fish species and other animal species typical of flowing waters are dependent on “continuous” stretches of water. On the biosphere reserve, the way was blocked by 25 impassable weirs and other artificial constructions. This project aims to create barrier-free rivers.
Fischtreppe bei Uhyst (Foto: Bodo Hering)
Otter Conduit(since 1992)
The project aims to protect a species of mammal that is at risk and under special protection. In the Lusatian pond region, between 30 and 40 otters are killed annually due to traffic accidents, their leading cause of death. To prevent traffic-related deaths, it is necessary to provide otters with favourable conditions to change their routes.
Fischotterdurchlass bei Klix (Foto: Bodo Hering)
Annual Competition: “Most Beautiful Courtyard Tree” (2007)
People have always been fascinated by old trees. For this reason, the biosphere reserve administration set out to honour courtyard trees in its annual competition for 2007. It was looking for a tree that was planted around 100 or 200 years ago: a majestic figure in the village landscape, in the centre of the courtyard and a component of family life.
Spitzahorn in Hermsdorf bei Lohsa (Foto: Bodo Hering)
Planting Broad-Leaved Trees and Fruit Trees along Avenues (2008)
People have loved blooming fruit trees in the spring since time immemorial. These trees lend the landscape its unique, distinctive character. In addition to this, not only fruit trees, but also broad-leaved trees provide indigenous animal species with vital living space.
Birnbäume bei Brehmen (Foto: Bodo Hering)
Moving Heath Plants out of Future Opencast Mining Areas (2004)
Due to expansion of the Nochten opencast mine, the Jeseritzen bei Weißwasser moors, one of the three most valuable Saxon moors, has been slated for mining. For the biosphere reserve administration, as well as for other nature reserve institutions, this was cause to undertake to move the most valuable plant stocks. This will not only rescue plants: more importantly, it will save their genetic material
Wollgras im Schaumoor Wartha (Foto: Dirk Weis)